CANopenNode on Linux devices
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Linux specific interface to CANopenNode. More...

+ Collaboration diagram for socketCAN:


 Application interface to CANopenNode Application interface, similar to Arduino,
 extended to CANopen and additional, realtime thread.
 Linux socketCAN specific Driver definitions for CANopenNode.
 Epoll interface
 Linux epoll interface to CANopenNode.
 CAN errors & Log
 CANopen Errors and System message log
 Data storage with Linux
 Data initialize, store and restore functions with Linux.

Detailed Description

Linux specific interface to CANopenNode.

Linux includes CAN interface inside its kernel, so called SocketCAN. It operates as a network device. For more information on Linux SocketCAN see

Linux specific files for interfacing with Linux SocketCAN are located inside "CANopenNode/socketCAN" directory.

CANopenNode runs as a set of non-blocking functions. It can run in single or multiple threads. Best approach for RT IO device can be with two threads:

Main references for Linux functions used here are Linux man pages and the book: The Linux Programming Interface by Michael Kerrisk.