CANopen protocol stack
No Matches

ASCII command syntax.

+ Collaboration diagram for Command syntax:

ASCII command syntax.

Command strings start with '"["<sequence>"]"' followed by:
[[<net>] <node>] r[ead] <index> <subindex> [<datatype>] # SDO upload.
[[<net>] <node>] w[rite] <index> <subindex> <datatype> <value> # SDO download.
[[<net>] <node>] start # NMT Start node.
[[<net>] <node>] stop # NMT Stop node.
[[<net>] <node>] preop[erational] # NMT Set node to pre-operational.
[[<net>] <node>] reset node # NMT Reset node.
[[<net>] <node>] reset comm[unication] # NMT Reset communication.
[<net>] set network <value> # Set default net.
[<net>] set node <value> # Set default node.
[<net>] set sdo_timeout <value> # Configure SDO time-out.
[<net>] set sdo_block <value> # Enable/disable SDO block transfer.
help [datatype|lss] # Print this or datatype or lss help.
led # Print status LED diodes.
log # Print message log.
"["<sequence>"]" OK | <value> |
ERROR:<SDO-abort-code> | ERROR:<internal-error-code>
Every command must be terminated with <CR><LF> ('\\r\\n'). characters. Same
is response. String is not null terminated, <CR> is optional in command.
Comments started with '#' are ignored. They may be on the beginning of the
line or after the command string.
'sdo_timeout' is in milliseconds, 500 by default. Block transfer is
disabled by default.
If '<net>' or '<node>' is not specified within commands, then value defined
by 'set network' or 'set node' command is used.
b # Boolean.
i8, i16, i32, i64 # Signed integers.
u8, u16, u32, u64 # Unsigned integers.
x8, x16, x32, x64 # Unsigned integers, displayed as hexadecimal, non-standard.
r32, r64 # Real numbers.
t, td # Time of day, time difference.
vs # Visible string (between double quotes if multi-word).
os, us # Octet, unicode string, (mime-base64 (RFC2045) based, line).
d # domain (mime-base64 (RFC2045) based, one line).
hex # Hexagonal data, optionally space separated, non-standard.
LSS commands:
lss_switch_glob <0|1> # Switch state global command.
lss_switch_sel <vendorID> <product code> \\
<revisionNo> <serialNo> #Switch state selective.
lss_set_node <node> # Configure node-ID.
lss_conf_bitrate <table_selector=0> \\
<table_index> # Configure bit-rate.
lss_activate_bitrate <switch_delay_ms> # Activate new bit-rate.
lss_store # LSS store configuration.
lss_inquire_addr [<LSSSUB=0..3>] # Inquire LSS address.
lss_get_node # Inquire node-ID.
_lss_fastscan [<timeout_ms>] # Identify fastscan, non-standard.
lss_allnodes [<timeout_ms> [<nodeStart=1..127> <store=0|1>\\
[<scanType0> <vendorId> <scanType1> <productCode>\\
<scanType2> <revisionNo> <scanType3> <serialNo>]]]
# Node-ID configuration of all nodes.
All LSS commands start with '\"[\"<sequence>\"]\" [<net>]'.
<table_index>: 0=1000 kbit/s, 1=800 kbit/s, 2=500 kbit/s, 3=250 kbit/s,
4=125 kbit/s, 6=50 kbit/s, 7=20 kbit/s, 8=10 kbit/s, 9=auto
<scanType>: 0=fastscan, 1=ignore, 2=match value in next parameter

This help text is the same as variable contents in CO_GTWA_helpString.