CANopenNode demo, tutorial and testing
No Matches
CANopen device documentation

Table of Contents

Demo device

Demo CANopen device with example usage.

Project File demoDevice.xdd
File Version 1
Created 28. 11. 2020 12:37:54
Created By Janez Paternoster
Modified 17. 03. 2023 16:49:28
Modified By Janez Paternoster

This file was automatically generated by CANopenEditor v4.1-1-ga49a51a

Device Information

Vendor Name -
Vendor ID 0
Product Name Demo device
Product ID 1
Granularity 8
RPDO count 4
TPDO count 4
LSS Slave True
LSS Master False

Supported Baud rates

  • [x] 10 kBit/s
  • [x] 20 kBit/s
  • [x] 50 kBit/s
  • [x] 125 kBit/s
  • [x] 250 kBit/s
  • [x] 500 kBit/s
  • [x] 800 kBit/s
  • [x] 1000 kBit/s
  • [ ] auto

PDO Mapping

RPDO 0x1400

COB_ID $NODEID+0x00000200
Transmission type=255
0x62000108 Write digital output 8-bit (Output)
0x62000208 Write digital output 8-bit (Output)

RPDO 0x1401

COB_ID $NODEID+0x00000300
Transmission type=255
0x64110110 Write analog output 16-bit (Output)
0x64110210 Write analog output 16-bit (Output)
0x64110310 Write analog output 16-bit (Output)
0x64110410 Write analog output 16-bit (Output)

TPDO 0x1800

COB_ID $NODEID+0x40000180
Transmission type=255; inhibit-time=0; event-timer=0
0x60000108 Read digital input 8-bit (Input)
0x60000208 Read digital input 8-bit (Input)

TPDO 0x1801

COB_ID $NODEID+0x40000280
Transmission type=255; inhibit-time=0; event-timer=0
0x64010110 Read analog input 16-bit (Input)
0x64010210 Read analog input 16-bit (Input)
0x64010310 Read analog input 16-bit (Input)
0x64010410 Read analog input 16-bit (Input)

Communication Specific Parameters

0x1000 - Device type

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED32 ro no no 0x000F0191
  • bit 16-31: Additional information
  • bit 0-15: Device profile number

0x1001 - Error register

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED8 ro t no 0x00
  • bit 7: manufacturer specific
  • bit 6: Reserved (always 0)
  • bit 5: device profile specific
  • bit 4: communication error (overrun, error state)
  • bit 3: temperature
  • bit 2: voltage
  • bit 1: current
  • bit 0: generic error

0x1003 - Pre-defined error field

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Number of errors UNSIGNED8 rw no no
0x01 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x02 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x03 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x04 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x05 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x06 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x07 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x08 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x09 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x0A Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x0B Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x0C Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x0D Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x0E Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x0F Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
0x10 Standard error field UNSIGNED32 ro no no
  • Sub Index 0: Contains number of actual errors. 0 can be written to clear error history.
  • sub-index 1 and above:
    • bit 16-31: Manufacturer specific additional information
    • bit 0-15: Error code as transmited in the Emergency object

0x1005 - COB-ID SYNC message

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000080
  • bit 31: set to 0
  • bit 30: If set, CANopen device generates SYNC object
  • bit 11-29: set to 0
  • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID

0x1006 - Communication cycle period

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0

Period of SYNC transmission in µs (0 = transmission disabled).

0x1007 - Synchronous window length

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0

Synchronous window leghth in µs (0 = not used). All synchronous PDOs must be transmitted within this time window.

0x1008 - Manufacturer device name

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value

0x1009 - Manufacturer hardware version

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value

0x100A - Manufacturer software version

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value

0x1010 - Store parameters

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x06
0x01 Save all parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000003
0x02 Save communication parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000001
0x03 Save application parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000001
0x04 Save mainline data block UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000003
0x05 Save PERSIST_APP parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000001
0x06 Save PERSIST_APP_AUTO auto-store parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000003

Sub-indexes 1 and above:

  • Reading provides information about its storage functionality:
    • bit 0: If set, CANopen device saves parameters on command
    • bit 1: If set, CANopen device saves parameters autonomously
  • Writing value 0x65766173 ('s','a','v','e' from LSB to MSB) stores corresponding data.

0x1011 - Restore default parameters

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x06
0x01 Restore all default parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000001
0x02 Restore communication default parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000001
0x03 Restore application default parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000001
0x04 Restore mainline default data block UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000001
0x05 Restore PERSIST_APP default parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000001
0x06 Restore PERSIST_APP_AUTO auto-store default parameters UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000001

Sub-indexes 1 and above:

  • Reading provides information about its restoring capability:
    • bit 0: If set, CANopen device restores parameters
  • Writing value 0x64616F6C ('l','o','a','d' from LSB to MSB) restores corresponding data.

0x1012 - COB-ID time stamp object

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000100
  • bit 31: If set, CANopen device consumes TIME message
  • bit 30: If set, CANopen device produces TIME message
  • bit 11-29: set to 0
  • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID

0x1014 - COB-ID EMCY

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED32 rw no no $NODEID+0x80
  • bit 31: If set, EMCY does NOT exist / is NOT valid
  • bit 11-30: set to 0
  • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID

0x1015 - Inhibit time EMCY

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0

Inhibit time of emergency message in multiples of 100µs. The value 0 disables the inhibit time.

0x1016 - Consumer heartbeat time

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x08
0x01 Consumer heartbeat time UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x02 Consumer heartbeat time UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x03 Consumer heartbeat time UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x04 Consumer heartbeat time UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x05 Consumer heartbeat time UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x06 Consumer heartbeat time UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x07 Consumer heartbeat time UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x08 Consumer heartbeat time UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000

Consumer Heartbeat Time:

  • bit 24-31: set to 0
  • bit 16-23: Node ID of the monitored node. If 0 or greater than 127, sub-entry is not used.
  • bit 0-15: Heartbeat time in ms (if 0, sub-intry is not used). Value should be higher than the corresponding producer heartbeat time.

0x1017 - Producer heartbeat time

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0

Heartbeat producer time in ms (0 = disable transmission).

0x1018 - Identity

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x04
0x01 Vendor-ID UNSIGNED32 ro no no 0x00000000
0x02 Product code UNSIGNED32 ro no no 0x00000001
0x03 Revision number UNSIGNED32 ro no no 0x00000000
0x04 Serial number UNSIGNED32 ro no no 0x00000003
  • Vendor-ID, assigned by CiA
  • Product code, manufacturer specific
  • Revision number:
    • bit 16-31: Major revision number (CANopen behavior has changed)
    • bit 0-15: Minor revision num. (CANopen behavior has not changed)
  • Serial number, manufacturer specific

0x1019 - Synchronous counter overflow value

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED8 rw no no 0
  • Value 0: SYNC message is transmitted with data length 0.
  • Value 1: reserved.
  • Value 2-240: SYNC message has one data byte, which contains the counter.
  • Value 241-255: reserved.

0x1200 - SDO server parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 2
0x01 COB-ID client to server (rx) UNSIGNED32 ro t no $NODEID+0x600
0x02 COB-ID server to client (tx) UNSIGNED32 ro t no $NODEID+0x580

Sub-indexes 1 and 2:

  • bit 11-31: set to 0
  • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID

0x1400 - RPDO communication parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x05
0x01 COB-ID used by RPDO UNSIGNED32 rw no no $NODEID+0x00000200
0x02 Transmission type UNSIGNED8 rw no no 255
0x05 Event timer UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
  • COB-ID used by RPDO:
    • bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
    • bit 11-30: set to 0
    • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
  • Transmission type:
    • Value 0-240: synchronous, processed after next reception of SYNC object
    • Value 241-253: not used
    • Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
    • Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
  • Event timer in ms (0 = disabled) for deadline monitoring.

0x1401 - RPDO communication parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x05
0x01 COB-ID used by RPDO UNSIGNED32 rw no no $NODEID+0x00000300
0x02 Transmission type UNSIGNED8 rw no no 255
0x05 Event timer UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
  • COB-ID used by RPDO:
    • bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
    • bit 11-30: set to 0
    • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
  • Transmission type:
    • Value 0-240: synchronous, processed after next reception of SYNC object
    • Value 241-253: not used
    • Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
    • Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
  • Event timer in ms (0 = disabled) for deadline monitoring.

0x1402 - RPDO communication parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x05
0x01 COB-ID used by RPDO UNSIGNED32 rw no no $NODEID+0x80000400
0x02 Transmission type UNSIGNED8 rw no no 254
0x05 Event timer UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
  • COB-ID used by RPDO:
    • bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
    • bit 11-30: set to 0
    • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
  • Transmission type:
    • Value 0-240: synchronous, processed after next reception of SYNC object
    • Value 241-253: not used
    • Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
    • Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
  • Event timer in ms (0 = disabled) for deadline monitoring.

0x1403 - RPDO communication parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x05
0x01 COB-ID used by RPDO UNSIGNED32 rw no no $NODEID+0x80000500
0x02 Transmission type UNSIGNED8 rw no no 254
0x05 Event timer UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
  • COB-ID used by RPDO:
    • bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
    • bit 11-30: set to 0
    • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
  • Transmission type:
    • Value 0-240: synchronous, processed after next reception of SYNC object
    • Value 241-253: not used
    • Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
    • Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
  • Event timer in ms (0 = disabled) for deadline monitoring.

0x1600 - RPDO mapping parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Number of mapped application objects in PDO UNSIGNED8 rw no no 2
0x01 Application object 1 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x62000108
0x02 Application object 2 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x62000208
0x03 Application object 3 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x62000308
0x04 Application object 4 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x62000408
0x05 Application object 5 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x62000508
0x06 Application object 6 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x62000608
0x07 Application object 7 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x62000708
0x08 Application object 8 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x62000808
  • Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
    • Value 0: mapping is disabled.
    • Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
    • Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
  • Application object 1-8:
    • bit 16-31: index
    • bit 8-15: sub-index
    • bit 0-7: data length in bits

0x1601 - RPDO mapping parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Number of mapped application objects in PDO UNSIGNED8 rw no no 4
0x01 Application object 1 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x64110110
0x02 Application object 2 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x64110210
0x03 Application object 3 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x64110310
0x04 Application object 4 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x64110410
0x05 Application object 5 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x06 Application object 6 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x07 Application object 7 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x08 Application object 8 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
  • Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
    • Value 0: mapping is disabled.
    • Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
    • Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
  • Application object 1-8:
    • bit 16-31: index
    • bit 8-15: sub-index
    • bit 0-7: data length in bits

0x1602 - RPDO mapping parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Number of mapped application objects in PDO UNSIGNED8 rw no no 0
0x01 Application object 1 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x02 Application object 2 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x03 Application object 3 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x04 Application object 4 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x05 Application object 5 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x06 Application object 6 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x07 Application object 7 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x08 Application object 8 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
  • Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
    • Value 0: mapping is disabled.
    • Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
    • Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
  • Application object 1-8:
    • bit 16-31: index
    • bit 8-15: sub-index
    • bit 0-7: data length in bits

0x1603 - RPDO mapping parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Number of mapped application objects in PDO UNSIGNED8 rw no no 0
0x01 Application object 1 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x02 Application object 2 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x03 Application object 3 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x04 Application object 4 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x05 Application object 5 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x06 Application object 6 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x07 Application object 7 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x08 Application object 8 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
  • Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
    • Value 0: mapping is disabled.
    • Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
    • Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
  • Application object 1-8:
    • bit 16-31: index
    • bit 8-15: sub-index
    • bit 0-7: data length in bits

0x1800 - TPDO communication parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x06
0x01 COB-ID used by TPDO UNSIGNED32 rw no no $NODEID+0x40000180
0x02 Transmission type UNSIGNED8 rw no no 255
0x03 Inhibit time UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
0x05 Event timer UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
0x06 SYNC start value UNSIGNED8 rw no no 0
  • COB-ID used by RPDO:
    • bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
    • bit 30: If set, NO RTR is allowed on this PDO
    • bit 11-29: set to 0
    • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
  • Transmission type:
    • Value 0: synchronous (acyclic)
    • Value 1-240: synchronous (cyclic every (1-240)-th sync)
    • Value 241-253: not used
    • Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
    • Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
  • Inhibit time in multiple of 100µs, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
  • Event timer interval in ms, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
  • SYNC start value
    • Value 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
    • Value 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message.

0x1801 - TPDO communication parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x06
0x01 COB-ID used by TPDO UNSIGNED32 rw no no $NODEID+0x40000280
0x02 Transmission type UNSIGNED8 rw no no 255
0x03 Inhibit time UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
0x05 Event timer UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
0x06 SYNC start value UNSIGNED8 rw no no 0
  • COB-ID used by RPDO:
    • bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
    • bit 30: If set, NO RTR is allowed on this PDO
    • bit 11-29: set to 0
    • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
  • Transmission type:
    • Value 0: synchronous (acyclic)
    • Value 1-240: synchronous (cyclic every (1-240)-th sync)
    • Value 241-253: not used
    • Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
    • Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
  • Inhibit time in multiple of 100µs, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
  • Event timer interval in ms, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
  • SYNC start value
    • Value 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
    • Value 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message.

0x1802 - TPDO communication parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x06
0x01 COB-ID used by TPDO UNSIGNED32 rw no no $NODEID+0xC0000380
0x02 Transmission type UNSIGNED8 rw no no 254
0x03 Inhibit time UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
0x05 Event timer UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
0x06 SYNC start value UNSIGNED8 rw no no 0
  • COB-ID used by RPDO:
    • bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
    • bit 30: If set, NO RTR is allowed on this PDO
    • bit 11-29: set to 0
    • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
  • Transmission type:
    • Value 0: synchronous (acyclic)
    • Value 1-240: synchronous (cyclic every (1-240)-th sync)
    • Value 241-253: not used
    • Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
    • Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
  • Inhibit time in multiple of 100µs, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
  • Event timer interval in ms, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
  • SYNC start value
    • Value 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
    • Value 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message.

0x1803 - TPDO communication parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x06
0x01 COB-ID used by TPDO UNSIGNED32 rw no no $NODEID+0xC0000480
0x02 Transmission type UNSIGNED8 rw no no 254
0x03 Inhibit time UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
0x05 Event timer UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0
0x06 SYNC start value UNSIGNED8 rw no no 0
  • COB-ID used by RPDO:
    • bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
    • bit 30: If set, NO RTR is allowed on this PDO
    • bit 11-29: set to 0
    • bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
  • Transmission type:
    • Value 0: synchronous (acyclic)
    • Value 1-240: synchronous (cyclic every (1-240)-th sync)
    • Value 241-253: not used
    • Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
    • Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
  • Inhibit time in multiple of 100µs, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
  • Event timer interval in ms, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
  • SYNC start value
    • Value 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
    • Value 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message.

0x1A00 - TPDO mapping parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Number of mapped application objects in PDO UNSIGNED8 rw no no 2
0x01 Application object 1 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x60000108
0x02 Application object 2 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x60000208
0x03 Application object 3 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x60000308
0x04 Application object 4 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x60000408
0x05 Application object 5 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x60000508
0x06 Application object 6 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x60000608
0x07 Application object 7 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x60000708
0x08 Application object 8 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x60000808
  • Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
    • Value 0: mapping is disabled.
    • Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
    • Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
  • Application object 1-8:
    • bit 16-31: index
    • bit 8-15: sub-index
    • bit 0-7: data length in bits

0x1A01 - TPDO mapping parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Number of mapped application objects in PDO UNSIGNED8 rw no no 4
0x01 Application object 1 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x64010110
0x02 Application object 2 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x64010210
0x03 Application object 3 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x64010310
0x04 Application object 4 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x64010410
0x05 Application object 5 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x06 Application object 6 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x07 Application object 7 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x08 Application object 8 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
  • Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
    • Value 0: mapping is disabled.
    • Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
    • Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
  • Application object 1-8:
    • bit 16-31: index
    • bit 8-15: sub-index
    • bit 0-7: data length in bits

0x1A02 - TPDO mapping parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Number of mapped application objects in PDO UNSIGNED8 rw no no 0
0x01 Application object 1 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x02 Application object 2 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x03 Application object 3 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x04 Application object 4 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x05 Application object 5 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x06 Application object 6 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x07 Application object 7 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x08 Application object 8 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
  • Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
    • Value 0: mapping is disabled.
    • Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
    • Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
  • Application object 1-8:
    • bit 16-31: index
    • bit 8-15: sub-index
    • bit 0-7: data length in bits

0x1A03 - TPDO mapping parameter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Number of mapped application objects in PDO UNSIGNED8 rw no no 0
0x01 Application object 1 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x02 Application object 2 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x03 Application object 3 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x04 Application object 4 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x05 Application object 5 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x06 Application object 6 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x07 Application object 7 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
0x08 Application object 8 UNSIGNED32 rw no no 0x00000000
  • Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
    • Value 0: mapping is disabled.
    • Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
    • Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
  • Application object 1-8:
    • bit 16-31: index
    • bit 8-15: sub-index
    • bit 0-7: data length in bits

Manufacturer Specific Parameters

0x2100 - Error status bits

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
OCTET_STRING ro t no 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

Error Status Bits indicates internal error conditions inside stack or inside application. For details see CO_EM_errorStatusBits_t in CO_Emergency.h file.

0x2106 - Power-on counter

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
UNSIGNED32 ro no no 0

Power on Counter counts total microcontroller resets in it's lifetime. Variable is an example of EEPROM usage.

0x2110 - Variable Int32

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x10
0x01 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x02 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x03 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x04 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x05 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x06 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x07 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x08 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x09 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x0A int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x0B int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x0C int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x0D int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x0E int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x0F int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0
0x10 int32 INTEGER32 rw tr no 0

Vartiable is free to use by application.

0x2111 - Variable Int32 save

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x10
0x01 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x02 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x03 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x04 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x05 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x06 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x07 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x08 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x09 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0A int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0B int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0C int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0D int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0E int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0F int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x10 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0

Vartiable is free to use by application. Variables can be saved on command.

0x2112 - Variable NV Int32 auto save

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x10
0x01 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x02 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x03 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x04 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x05 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x06 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x07 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x08 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x09 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0A int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0B int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0C int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0D int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0E int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x0F int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0
0x10 int32 INTEGER32 rw no no 0

Vartiable is free to use by application. Variable is automatically saved.

0x2120 - Demo record

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x06
0x01 I64 INTEGER64 rw tr no -1234567890123456789
0x02 U64 UNSIGNED64 rw tr no 0x1234567890ABCDEF
0x03 R32 REAL32 rw tr no 12.345
0x04 R64 REAL64 rw tr no 456.789
0x05 Average of four numbers REAL64 ro t no
0x06 Parameter with default value UNSIGNED16 rw no no 0x1234

0x2121 - Demo strings

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x03
0x01 String short VISIBLE_STRING rw no no str
0x02 String long VISIBLE_STRING (len=1000) rw no no Example string with 1000 bytes capacity. It may contain UTF-8 characters, like '€', tabs ' ', newlines, etc.
0x03 Octet string OCTET_STRING rw no no C8 3D BB

0x2122 - Demo domain

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
DOMAIN rw no no

Device Profile Specific Parameters

0x6000 - Read digital input 8-bit

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x08
0x01 Input UNSIGNED8 ro t no 0x00
0x02 Input UNSIGNED8 ro t no 0x00
0x03 Input UNSIGNED8 ro t no 0x00
0x04 Input UNSIGNED8 ro t no 0x00
0x05 Input UNSIGNED8 ro t no 0x00
0x06 Input UNSIGNED8 ro t no 0x00
0x07 Input UNSIGNED8 ro t no 0x00
0x08 Input UNSIGNED8 ro t no 0x00

Digital inputs from hardware.

0x6200 - Write digital output 8-bit

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x08
0x01 Output UNSIGNED8 rw tr no 0x00
0x02 Output UNSIGNED8 rw tr no 0x00
0x03 Output UNSIGNED8 rw tr no 0x00
0x04 Output UNSIGNED8 rw tr no 0x00
0x05 Output UNSIGNED8 rw tr no 0x00
0x06 Output UNSIGNED8 rw tr no 0x00
0x07 Output UNSIGNED8 rw tr no 0x00
0x08 Output UNSIGNED8 rw tr no 0x00

Digital outputs on hardware.

0x6401 - Read analog input 16-bit

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x10
0x01 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x02 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x03 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x04 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x05 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x06 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x07 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x08 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x09 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x0A Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x0B Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x0C Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x0D Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x0E Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x0F Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0
0x10 Input INTEGER16 ro t no 0

Analogue inputs from hardware. The integer value is left adjusted.

0x6411 - Write analog output 16-bit

Object Type Count Label Storage Group
Sub Name Data Type SDO PDO SRDO Default Value
0x00 Highest sub-index supported UNSIGNED8 ro no no 0x08
0x01 Output INTEGER16 rw tr no 0
0x02 Output INTEGER16 rw tr no 0
0x03 Output INTEGER16 rw tr no 0
0x04 Output INTEGER16 rw tr no 0
0x05 Output INTEGER16 rw tr no 0
0x06 Output INTEGER16 rw tr no 0
0x07 Output INTEGER16 rw tr no 0
0x08 Output INTEGER16 rw tr no 0

Analogue outputs on hardware. The integer value is left adjusted.