Demo device
Demo CANopen device with example usage.
| |
Project File | demoDevice.xdd |
File Version | 1 |
Created | 28. 11. 2020 12:37:54 |
Created By | Janez Paternoster |
Modified | 17. 03. 2023 16:49:28 |
Modified By | Janez Paternoster |
This file was automatically generated by CANopenEditor v4.1-1-ga49a51a
Device Information
| |
Vendor Name | - |
Vendor ID | 0 |
Product Name | Demo device |
Product ID | 1 |
Granularity | 8 |
RPDO count | 4 |
TPDO count | 4 |
LSS Slave | True |
LSS Master | False |
Supported Baud rates
- [x] 10 kBit/s
- [x] 20 kBit/s
- [x] 50 kBit/s
- [x] 125 kBit/s
- [x] 250 kBit/s
- [x] 500 kBit/s
- [x] 800 kBit/s
- [x] 1000 kBit/s
- [ ] auto
PDO Mapping
RPDO 0x1400
| |
COB_ID | $NODEID+0x00000200 |
Transmission | type=255 |
0x62000108 | Write digital output 8-bit (Output) |
0x62000208 | Write digital output 8-bit (Output) |
RPDO 0x1401
| |
COB_ID | $NODEID+0x00000300 |
Transmission | type=255 |
0x64110110 | Write analog output 16-bit (Output) |
0x64110210 | Write analog output 16-bit (Output) |
0x64110310 | Write analog output 16-bit (Output) |
0x64110410 | Write analog output 16-bit (Output) |
TPDO 0x1800
| |
COB_ID | $NODEID+0x40000180 |
Transmission | type=255; inhibit-time=0; event-timer=0 |
0x60000108 | Read digital input 8-bit (Input) |
0x60000208 | Read digital input 8-bit (Input) |
TPDO 0x1801
| |
COB_ID | $NODEID+0x40000280 |
Transmission | type=255; inhibit-time=0; event-timer=0 |
0x64010110 | Read analog input 16-bit (Input) |
0x64010210 | Read analog input 16-bit (Input) |
0x64010310 | Read analog input 16-bit (Input) |
0x64010410 | Read analog input 16-bit (Input) |
Communication Specific Parameters
0x1000 - Device type
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | 0x000F0191 |
- bit 16-31: Additional information
- bit 0-15: Device profile number
0x1001 - Error register
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
VAR | EM | RAM |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED8 | ro | t | no | 0x00 |
- bit 7: manufacturer specific
- bit 6: Reserved (always 0)
- bit 5: device profile specific
- bit 4: communication error (overrun, error state)
- bit 3: temperature
- bit 2: voltage
- bit 1: current
- bit 0: generic error
0x1003 - Pre-defined error field
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Number of errors | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | |
0x01 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x02 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x03 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x04 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x05 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x06 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x07 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x08 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x09 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x0A | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x0B | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x0C | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x0D | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x0E | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x0F | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
0x10 | Standard error field | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | |
- Sub Index 0: Contains number of actual errors. 0 can be written to clear error history.
- sub-index 1 and above:
- bit 16-31: Manufacturer specific additional information
- bit 0-15: Error code as transmited in the Emergency object
0x1005 - COB-ID SYNC message
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000080 |
- bit 31: set to 0
- bit 30: If set, CANopen device generates SYNC object
- bit 11-29: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
0x1006 - Communication cycle period
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
Period of SYNC transmission in µs (0 = transmission disabled).
0x1007 - Synchronous window length
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
Synchronous window leghth in µs (0 = not used). All synchronous PDOs must be transmitted within this time window.
0x1008 - Manufacturer device name
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
VISIBLE_STRING | ro | no | no | |
0x1009 - Manufacturer hardware version
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
VISIBLE_STRING | ro | no | no | |
0x100A - Manufacturer software version
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
VISIBLE_STRING | ro | no | no | |
0x1010 - Store parameters
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x06 |
0x01 | Save all parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000003 |
0x02 | Save communication parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000001 |
0x03 | Save application parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000001 |
0x04 | Save mainline data block | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000003 |
0x05 | Save PERSIST_APP parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000001 |
0x06 | Save PERSIST_APP_AUTO auto-store parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000003 |
Sub-indexes 1 and above:
- Reading provides information about its storage functionality:
- bit 0: If set, CANopen device saves parameters on command
- bit 1: If set, CANopen device saves parameters autonomously
- Writing value 0x65766173 ('s','a','v','e' from LSB to MSB) stores corresponding data.
0x1011 - Restore default parameters
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x06 |
0x01 | Restore all default parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000001 |
0x02 | Restore communication default parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000001 |
0x03 | Restore application default parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000001 |
0x04 | Restore mainline default data block | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000001 |
0x05 | Restore PERSIST_APP default parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000001 |
0x06 | Restore PERSIST_APP_AUTO auto-store default parameters | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000001 |
Sub-indexes 1 and above:
- Reading provides information about its restoring capability:
- bit 0: If set, CANopen device restores parameters
- Writing value 0x64616F6C ('l','o','a','d' from LSB to MSB) restores corresponding data.
0x1012 - COB-ID time stamp object
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000100 |
- bit 31: If set, CANopen device consumes TIME message
- bit 30: If set, CANopen device produces TIME message
- bit 11-29: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
0x1014 - COB-ID EMCY
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | $NODEID+0x80 |
- bit 31: If set, EMCY does NOT exist / is NOT valid
- bit 11-30: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
0x1015 - Inhibit time EMCY
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
Inhibit time of emergency message in multiples of 100µs. The value 0 disables the inhibit time.
0x1016 - Consumer heartbeat time
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x08 |
0x01 | Consumer heartbeat time | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x02 | Consumer heartbeat time | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x03 | Consumer heartbeat time | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x04 | Consumer heartbeat time | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x05 | Consumer heartbeat time | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x06 | Consumer heartbeat time | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x07 | Consumer heartbeat time | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x08 | Consumer heartbeat time | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
Consumer Heartbeat Time:
- bit 24-31: set to 0
- bit 16-23: Node ID of the monitored node. If 0 or greater than 127, sub-entry is not used.
- bit 0-15: Heartbeat time in ms (if 0, sub-intry is not used). Value should be higher than the corresponding producer heartbeat time.
0x1017 - Producer heartbeat time
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
Heartbeat producer time in ms (0 = disable transmission).
0x1018 - Identity
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x04 |
0x01 | Vendor-ID | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x02 | Product code | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | 0x00000001 |
0x03 | Revision number | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x04 | Serial number | UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | 0x00000003 |
- Vendor-ID, assigned by CiA
- Product code, manufacturer specific
- Revision number:
- bit 16-31: Major revision number (CANopen behavior has changed)
- bit 0-15: Minor revision num. (CANopen behavior has not changed)
- Serial number, manufacturer specific
0x1019 - Synchronous counter overflow value
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 0 |
- Value 0: SYNC message is transmitted with data length 0.
- Value 1: reserved.
- Value 2-240: SYNC message has one data byte, which contains the counter.
- Value 241-255: reserved.
0x1200 - SDO server parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 2 |
0x01 | COB-ID client to server (rx) | UNSIGNED32 | ro | t | no | $NODEID+0x600 |
0x02 | COB-ID server to client (tx) | UNSIGNED32 | ro | t | no | $NODEID+0x580 |
Sub-indexes 1 and 2:
- bit 11-31: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
0x1400 - RPDO communication parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x05 |
0x01 | COB-ID used by RPDO | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | $NODEID+0x00000200 |
0x02 | Transmission type | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 255 |
0x05 | Event timer | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
- COB-ID used by RPDO:
- bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
- bit 11-30: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
- Transmission type:
- Value 0-240: synchronous, processed after next reception of SYNC object
- Value 241-253: not used
- Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
- Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
- Event timer in ms (0 = disabled) for deadline monitoring.
0x1401 - RPDO communication parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x05 |
0x01 | COB-ID used by RPDO | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | $NODEID+0x00000300 |
0x02 | Transmission type | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 255 |
0x05 | Event timer | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
- COB-ID used by RPDO:
- bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
- bit 11-30: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
- Transmission type:
- Value 0-240: synchronous, processed after next reception of SYNC object
- Value 241-253: not used
- Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
- Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
- Event timer in ms (0 = disabled) for deadline monitoring.
0x1402 - RPDO communication parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x05 |
0x01 | COB-ID used by RPDO | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | $NODEID+0x80000400 |
0x02 | Transmission type | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 254 |
0x05 | Event timer | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
- COB-ID used by RPDO:
- bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
- bit 11-30: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
- Transmission type:
- Value 0-240: synchronous, processed after next reception of SYNC object
- Value 241-253: not used
- Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
- Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
- Event timer in ms (0 = disabled) for deadline monitoring.
0x1403 - RPDO communication parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x05 |
0x01 | COB-ID used by RPDO | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | $NODEID+0x80000500 |
0x02 | Transmission type | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 254 |
0x05 | Event timer | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
- COB-ID used by RPDO:
- bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
- bit 11-30: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
- Transmission type:
- Value 0-240: synchronous, processed after next reception of SYNC object
- Value 241-253: not used
- Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
- Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
- Event timer in ms (0 = disabled) for deadline monitoring.
0x1600 - RPDO mapping parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Number of mapped application objects in PDO | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 2 |
0x01 | Application object 1 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x62000108 |
0x02 | Application object 2 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x62000208 |
0x03 | Application object 3 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x62000308 |
0x04 | Application object 4 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x62000408 |
0x05 | Application object 5 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x62000508 |
0x06 | Application object 6 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x62000608 |
0x07 | Application object 7 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x62000708 |
0x08 | Application object 8 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x62000808 |
- Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
- Value 0: mapping is disabled.
- Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
- Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
- Application object 1-8:
- bit 16-31: index
- bit 8-15: sub-index
- bit 0-7: data length in bits
0x1601 - RPDO mapping parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Number of mapped application objects in PDO | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 4 |
0x01 | Application object 1 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x64110110 |
0x02 | Application object 2 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x64110210 |
0x03 | Application object 3 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x64110310 |
0x04 | Application object 4 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x64110410 |
0x05 | Application object 5 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x06 | Application object 6 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x07 | Application object 7 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x08 | Application object 8 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
- Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
- Value 0: mapping is disabled.
- Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
- Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
- Application object 1-8:
- bit 16-31: index
- bit 8-15: sub-index
- bit 0-7: data length in bits
0x1602 - RPDO mapping parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Number of mapped application objects in PDO | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x01 | Application object 1 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x02 | Application object 2 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x03 | Application object 3 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x04 | Application object 4 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x05 | Application object 5 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x06 | Application object 6 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x07 | Application object 7 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x08 | Application object 8 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
- Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
- Value 0: mapping is disabled.
- Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
- Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
- Application object 1-8:
- bit 16-31: index
- bit 8-15: sub-index
- bit 0-7: data length in bits
0x1603 - RPDO mapping parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Number of mapped application objects in PDO | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x01 | Application object 1 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x02 | Application object 2 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x03 | Application object 3 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x04 | Application object 4 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x05 | Application object 5 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x06 | Application object 6 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x07 | Application object 7 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x08 | Application object 8 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
- Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
- Value 0: mapping is disabled.
- Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
- Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
- Application object 1-8:
- bit 16-31: index
- bit 8-15: sub-index
- bit 0-7: data length in bits
0x1800 - TPDO communication parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x06 |
0x01 | COB-ID used by TPDO | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | $NODEID+0x40000180 |
0x02 | Transmission type | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 255 |
0x03 | Inhibit time | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x05 | Event timer | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x06 | SYNC start value | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 0 |
- COB-ID used by RPDO:
- bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
- bit 30: If set, NO RTR is allowed on this PDO
- bit 11-29: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
- Transmission type:
- Value 0: synchronous (acyclic)
- Value 1-240: synchronous (cyclic every (1-240)-th sync)
- Value 241-253: not used
- Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
- Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
- Inhibit time in multiple of 100µs, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
- Event timer interval in ms, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
- SYNC start value
- Value 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
- Value 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message.
0x1801 - TPDO communication parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x06 |
0x01 | COB-ID used by TPDO | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | $NODEID+0x40000280 |
0x02 | Transmission type | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 255 |
0x03 | Inhibit time | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x05 | Event timer | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x06 | SYNC start value | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 0 |
- COB-ID used by RPDO:
- bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
- bit 30: If set, NO RTR is allowed on this PDO
- bit 11-29: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
- Transmission type:
- Value 0: synchronous (acyclic)
- Value 1-240: synchronous (cyclic every (1-240)-th sync)
- Value 241-253: not used
- Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
- Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
- Inhibit time in multiple of 100µs, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
- Event timer interval in ms, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
- SYNC start value
- Value 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
- Value 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message.
0x1802 - TPDO communication parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x06 |
0x01 | COB-ID used by TPDO | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | $NODEID+0xC0000380 |
0x02 | Transmission type | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 254 |
0x03 | Inhibit time | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x05 | Event timer | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x06 | SYNC start value | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 0 |
- COB-ID used by RPDO:
- bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
- bit 30: If set, NO RTR is allowed on this PDO
- bit 11-29: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
- Transmission type:
- Value 0: synchronous (acyclic)
- Value 1-240: synchronous (cyclic every (1-240)-th sync)
- Value 241-253: not used
- Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
- Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
- Inhibit time in multiple of 100µs, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
- Event timer interval in ms, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
- SYNC start value
- Value 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
- Value 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message.
0x1803 - TPDO communication parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x06 |
0x01 | COB-ID used by TPDO | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | $NODEID+0xC0000480 |
0x02 | Transmission type | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 254 |
0x03 | Inhibit time | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x05 | Event timer | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x06 | SYNC start value | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 0 |
- COB-ID used by RPDO:
- bit 31: If set, PDO does not exist / is not valid
- bit 30: If set, NO RTR is allowed on this PDO
- bit 11-29: set to 0
- bit 0-10: 11-bit CAN-ID
- Transmission type:
- Value 0: synchronous (acyclic)
- Value 1-240: synchronous (cyclic every (1-240)-th sync)
- Value 241-253: not used
- Value 254: event-driven (manufacturer-specific)
- Value 255: event-driven (device profile and application profile specific)
- Inhibit time in multiple of 100µs, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
- Event timer interval in ms, if the transmission type is set to 254 or 255 (0 = disabled).
- SYNC start value
- Value 0: Counter of the SYNC message shall not be processed.
- Value 1-240: The SYNC message with the counter value equal to this value shall be regarded as the first received SYNC message.
0x1A00 - TPDO mapping parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Number of mapped application objects in PDO | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 2 |
0x01 | Application object 1 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x60000108 |
0x02 | Application object 2 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x60000208 |
0x03 | Application object 3 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x60000308 |
0x04 | Application object 4 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x60000408 |
0x05 | Application object 5 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x60000508 |
0x06 | Application object 6 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x60000608 |
0x07 | Application object 7 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x60000708 |
0x08 | Application object 8 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x60000808 |
- Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
- Value 0: mapping is disabled.
- Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
- Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
- Application object 1-8:
- bit 16-31: index
- bit 8-15: sub-index
- bit 0-7: data length in bits
0x1A01 - TPDO mapping parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Number of mapped application objects in PDO | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 4 |
0x01 | Application object 1 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x64010110 |
0x02 | Application object 2 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x64010210 |
0x03 | Application object 3 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x64010310 |
0x04 | Application object 4 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x64010410 |
0x05 | Application object 5 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x06 | Application object 6 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x07 | Application object 7 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x08 | Application object 8 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
- Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
- Value 0: mapping is disabled.
- Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
- Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
- Application object 1-8:
- bit 16-31: index
- bit 8-15: sub-index
- bit 0-7: data length in bits
0x1A02 - TPDO mapping parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Number of mapped application objects in PDO | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x01 | Application object 1 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x02 | Application object 2 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x03 | Application object 3 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x04 | Application object 4 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x05 | Application object 5 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x06 | Application object 6 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x07 | Application object 7 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x08 | Application object 8 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
- Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
- Value 0: mapping is disabled.
- Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
- Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
- Application object 1-8:
- bit 16-31: index
- bit 8-15: sub-index
- bit 0-7: data length in bits
0x1A03 - TPDO mapping parameter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Number of mapped application objects in PDO | UNSIGNED8 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x01 | Application object 1 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x02 | Application object 2 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x03 | Application object 3 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x04 | Application object 4 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x05 | Application object 5 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x06 | Application object 6 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x07 | Application object 7 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
0x08 | Application object 8 | UNSIGNED32 | rw | no | no | 0x00000000 |
- Number of mapped application objects in PDO:
- Value 0: mapping is disabled.
- Value 1: sub-index 0x01 is valid.
- Value 2-8: sub-indexes 0x01 to (0x02 to 0x08) are valid.
- Application object 1-8:
- bit 16-31: index
- bit 8-15: sub-index
- bit 0-7: data length in bits
Manufacturer Specific Parameters
0x2100 - Error status bits
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
VAR | | RAM |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
OCTET_STRING | ro | t | no | 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |
Error Status Bits indicates internal error conditions inside stack or inside application. For details see CO_EM_errorStatusBits_t in CO_Emergency.h file.
0x2106 - Power-on counter
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
UNSIGNED32 | ro | no | no | 0 |
Power on Counter counts total microcontroller resets in it's lifetime. Variable is an example of EEPROM usage.
0x2110 - Variable Int32
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x10 |
0x01 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x02 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x03 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x04 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x05 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x06 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x07 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x08 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x09 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x0A | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x0B | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x0C | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x0D | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x0E | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x0F | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x10 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
Vartiable is free to use by application.
0x2111 - Variable Int32 save
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x10 |
0x01 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x02 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x03 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x04 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x05 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x06 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x07 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x08 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x09 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0A | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0B | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0C | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0D | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0E | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0F | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x10 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
Vartiable is free to use by application. Variables can be saved on command.
0x2112 - Variable NV Int32 auto save
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x10 |
0x01 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x02 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x03 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x04 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x05 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x06 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x07 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x08 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x09 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0A | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0B | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0C | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0D | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0E | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x0F | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
0x10 | int32 | INTEGER32 | rw | no | no | 0 |
Vartiable is free to use by application. Variable is automatically saved.
0x2120 - Demo record
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x06 |
0x01 | I64 | INTEGER64 | rw | tr | no | -1234567890123456789 |
0x02 | U64 | UNSIGNED64 | rw | tr | no | 0x1234567890ABCDEF |
0x03 | R32 | REAL32 | rw | tr | no | 12.345 |
0x04 | R64 | REAL64 | rw | tr | no | 456.789 |
0x05 | Average of four numbers | REAL64 | ro | t | no | |
0x06 | Parameter with default value | UNSIGNED16 | rw | no | no | 0x1234 |
0x2121 - Demo strings
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x03 |
0x01 | String short | VISIBLE_STRING | rw | no | no | str |
0x02 | String long | VISIBLE_STRING (len=1000) | rw | no | no | Example string with 1000 bytes capacity. It may contain UTF-8 characters, like '€', tabs ' ', newlines, etc. |
0x03 | Octet string | OCTET_STRING | rw | no | no | C8 3D BB |
0x2122 - Demo domain
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
VAR | | RAM |
Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
DOMAIN | rw | no | no | |
Device Profile Specific Parameters
0x6000 - Read digital input 8-bit
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x08 |
0x01 | Input | UNSIGNED8 | ro | t | no | 0x00 |
0x02 | Input | UNSIGNED8 | ro | t | no | 0x00 |
0x03 | Input | UNSIGNED8 | ro | t | no | 0x00 |
0x04 | Input | UNSIGNED8 | ro | t | no | 0x00 |
0x05 | Input | UNSIGNED8 | ro | t | no | 0x00 |
0x06 | Input | UNSIGNED8 | ro | t | no | 0x00 |
0x07 | Input | UNSIGNED8 | ro | t | no | 0x00 |
0x08 | Input | UNSIGNED8 | ro | t | no | 0x00 |
Digital inputs from hardware.
0x6200 - Write digital output 8-bit
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x08 |
0x01 | Output | UNSIGNED8 | rw | tr | no | 0x00 |
0x02 | Output | UNSIGNED8 | rw | tr | no | 0x00 |
0x03 | Output | UNSIGNED8 | rw | tr | no | 0x00 |
0x04 | Output | UNSIGNED8 | rw | tr | no | 0x00 |
0x05 | Output | UNSIGNED8 | rw | tr | no | 0x00 |
0x06 | Output | UNSIGNED8 | rw | tr | no | 0x00 |
0x07 | Output | UNSIGNED8 | rw | tr | no | 0x00 |
0x08 | Output | UNSIGNED8 | rw | tr | no | 0x00 |
Digital outputs on hardware.
0x6401 - Read analog input 16-bit
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x10 |
0x01 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x02 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x03 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x04 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x05 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x06 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x07 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x08 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x09 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x0A | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x0B | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x0C | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x0D | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x0E | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x0F | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
0x10 | Input | INTEGER16 | ro | t | no | 0 |
Analogue inputs from hardware. The integer value is left adjusted.
0x6411 - Write analog output 16-bit
Object Type | Count Label | Storage Group |
Sub | Name | Data Type | SDO | PDO | SRDO | Default Value |
0x00 | Highest sub-index supported | UNSIGNED8 | ro | no | no | 0x08 |
0x01 | Output | INTEGER16 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x02 | Output | INTEGER16 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x03 | Output | INTEGER16 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x04 | Output | INTEGER16 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x05 | Output | INTEGER16 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x06 | Output | INTEGER16 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x07 | Output | INTEGER16 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
0x08 | Output | INTEGER16 | rw | tr | no | 0 |
Analogue outputs on hardware. The integer value is left adjusted.