CANopen protocol stack
No Matches

CANopen Layer Setting Services protocol (common). More...

+ Collaboration diagram for LSS:


 CO_LSS command specifiers
 Error codes for Configure node ID protocol
 Error codes for Configure bit timing parameters protocol
 Error codes for Store configuration protocol
 Fastscan BitCheck.
 CO_LSS_FASTSCAN lssSub lssNext
 Definition of table_index for /CiA301/ bit timing table


file  CO_LSS.h
 CANopen Layer Setting Services protocol (common).
file  CO_LSSmaster.h
 CANopen Layer Setting Service - master protocol.
file  CO_LSSslave.h
 CANopen Layer Setting Service - slave protocol.

Data Structures

union  CO_LSS_address_t
 The LSS address is a 128 bit number, uniquely identifying each node. More...


 Invalid node ID triggers node ID assignment.
#define CO_LSS_NODE_ID_VALID(nid)   (((nid >= 1U) && (nid <= 0x7FU)) || (nid == CO_LSS_NODE_ID_ASSIGNMENT))
 Macro to check if node id is valid.
#define CO_LSS_ADDRESS_EQUAL(a1, a2)
 Macro to check if two LSS addresses are equal.


static const uint16_t CO_LSS_bitTimingTableLookup [] = {1000, 800, 500, 250, 125, 0, 50, 20, 10, 0}
 Lookup table for conversion between bit timing table and numerical bit rate.

Detailed Description

CANopen Layer Setting Services protocol (common).

LSS protocol is according to CiA DSP 305 V3.0.0.

LSS services and protocols are used to inquire or to change the settings of three parameters of the physical layer, data link layer, and application layer on a CANopen device with LSS slave capability by a CANopen device with LSS master capability via the CAN network.

The following parameters may be inquired or changed:

The connection is established in one of two ways:

Be aware that changing the bit rate is a critical step for the network. A failure will render the network unusable!

Using this implementation, only master or slave can be included in one node at a time.

For CAN identifiers see Default CANopen identifiers