CANopen protocol stack
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CANopen Safety Related Data Object protocol More...

+ Collaboration diagram for SRDO:


file  CO_SRDO.h
 CANopen Safety Related Data Object protocol.

Data Structures

struct  CO_SRDOGuard_t
 Guard Object for SRDO. More...
struct  CO_SRDO_t
 SRDO object. More...


#define CO_SRDO_MAX_SIZE   8U
 Maximum size of SRDO message, 8 for standard CAN.
 Maximum number of entries, which can be mapped to SRDO, 2*8 for standard CAN, may be less to preserve RAM usage.


typedef uint8_t CO_SRDO_size_t
 Variable of type CO_SRDO_size_t contains data length in bytes of SRDO.


enum  CO_SRDO_state_t {
  CO_SRDO_state_error_internal = -10 , CO_SRDO_state_error_configuration = -9 , CO_SRDO_state_error_txNotInverted = -6 , CO_SRDO_state_error_txFail = -5 ,
  CO_SRDO_state_error_rxTimeoutSRVT = -4 , CO_SRDO_state_error_rxTimeoutSCT = -3 , CO_SRDO_state_error_rxNotInverted = -2 , CO_SRDO_state_error_rxShort = -1 ,
  CO_SRDO_state_unknown = 0 , CO_SRDO_state_nmtNotOperational = 1 , CO_SRDO_state_initializing = 2 , CO_SRDO_state_communicationEstablished = 3 ,
  CO_SRDO_state_deleted = 10
 SRDO internal state. More...


CO_ReturnError_t CO_SRDOGuard_init (CO_SRDOGuard_t *SRDOGuard, OD_entry_t *OD_13FE_configurationValid, OD_entry_t *OD_13FF_safetyConfigurationSignature, uint32_t *errInfo)
 Initialize SRDOGuard object.
CO_ReturnError_t CO_SRDO_init (CO_SRDO_t *SRDO, uint8_t SRDO_Index, CO_SRDOGuard_t *SRDOGuard, OD_t *OD, CO_EM_t *em, uint8_t nodeId, uint16_t defaultCOB_ID, OD_entry_t *OD_130x_SRDOCommPar, OD_entry_t *OD_138x_SRDOMapPar, CO_CANmodule_t *CANdevRxNormal, CO_CANmodule_t *CANdevRxInverted, uint16_t CANdevRxIdxNormal, uint16_t CANdevRxIdxInverted, CO_CANmodule_t *CANdevTxNormal, CO_CANmodule_t *CANdevTxInverted, uint16_t CANdevTxIdxNormal, uint16_t CANdevTxIdxInverted, uint32_t *errInfo)
 Initialize SRDO object.
void CO_SRDO_initCallbackPre (CO_SRDO_t *SRDO, void *object, void(*pFunctSignalPre)(void *object))
 Initialize SRDO callback function.
CO_ReturnError_t CO_SRDO_config (CO_SRDO_t *SRDO, uint8_t SRDO_Index, CO_SRDOGuard_t *SRDOGuard, uint32_t *errInfo)
 Configure SRDO object.
CO_ReturnError_t CO_SRDO_requestSend (CO_SRDO_t *SRDO)
 Send SRDO on event.
CO_SRDO_state_t CO_SRDO_process (CO_SRDO_t *SRDO, uint32_t timeDifference_us, uint32_t *timerNext_us, bool_t NMTisOperational)
 Process transmitting/receiving individual SRDO message.

Detailed Description

CANopen Safety Related Data Object protocol

Safety Related Data Object protocol is specified by standard EN 50325-5:2010 (formerly CiA304). Its functionality is very similar to that of the PDOs. The main differences is every message is send and received twice. The second message must be bitwise inverted. The delay between the two messages and between each message pair is monitored. The distinction between sending and receiving SRDO is made at runtime (for PDO it is compile time). If the security protocol is used, at least one SRDO is mandatory.

If there is erroneous structure of OD entries for SRDO parameters, then CO_SRDO_init() function returns error and CANopen device doesn't work. It is necessary to repair Object Dictionary and reprogram the device.

If there are erroneous values inside SRDO parameters, then Emergency message CO_EM_SRDO_CONFIGURATION is sent. Info code (32bit) contains OD index, subindex and additional byte, which helps to determine erroneous OD object.

SRDO is first configured in CANopen in CANopen initialization section after all other CANopen objects are initialized. It consists of one CO_SRDOGuard_init() and CO_SRDO_init() for each SRDO. On transition to NMT operational CO_SRDO_config() must be called for each SRDO.

CO_SRDO_process() must be executed cyclically, similar as PDO processing. Function is fast, no time consuming tasks. Function returns CO_SRDO_state_t value, which may be used to determine working-state or safe-state of safety related device. If return values from all SRDO objects are >= CO_SRDO_state_communicationEstablished, then working state is allowed. Otherwise SR device must be in safe state.

Requirement for mapped objects:

Macro Definition Documentation



Maximum number of entries, which can be mapped to SRDO, 2*8 for standard CAN, may be less to preserve RAM usage.

Must be multiple of 2.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CO_SRDO_state_t

SRDO internal state.


internal software error


error in parameters, emergency message was sent


Transmitting SRDO messages was not inverted.


SRDO CAN message transmission failed.


SRDO message didn't receive inside SRVT time.


SRDO inverted message didn't receive inside SCT time.


Received SRDO messages was not inverted.


Received SRDO message is too short.


unknown state, set by CO_SRDO_init()


Internal NMT operating state is not NMT operational.


Just entered NMT operational state, SRDO message not yet received or transmitted.


SRDO communication established, fully functional.


informationDirection for this SRDO is set to 0

Function Documentation

◆ CO_SRDOGuard_init()

CO_ReturnError_t CO_SRDOGuard_init ( CO_SRDOGuard_t * SRDOGuard,
OD_entry_t * OD_13FE_configurationValid,
OD_entry_t * OD_13FF_safetyConfigurationSignature,
uint32_t * errInfo )

Initialize SRDOGuard object.

Function must be called in the communication reset section before CO_SRDO_init() functions.

SRDOGuardThis object will be initialized.
OD_13FE_configurationValidPointer to Configuration valid variable from Object dictionary (index 0x13FE).
OD_13FF_safetyConfigurationSignaturePointer to Safety configuration signature variable from Object dictionary (index 0x13FF).
[out]errInfoAdditional information in case of error, may be NULL.

◆ CO_SRDO_init()

CO_ReturnError_t CO_SRDO_init ( CO_SRDO_t * SRDO,
uint8_t SRDO_Index,
CO_SRDOGuard_t * SRDOGuard,
OD_t * OD,
CO_EM_t * em,
uint8_t nodeId,
uint16_t defaultCOB_ID,
OD_entry_t * OD_130x_SRDOCommPar,
OD_entry_t * OD_138x_SRDOMapPar,
CO_CANmodule_t * CANdevRxNormal,
CO_CANmodule_t * CANdevRxInverted,
uint16_t CANdevRxIdxNormal,
uint16_t CANdevRxIdxInverted,
CO_CANmodule_t * CANdevTxNormal,
CO_CANmodule_t * CANdevTxInverted,
uint16_t CANdevTxIdxNormal,
uint16_t CANdevTxIdxInverted,
uint32_t * errInfo )

Initialize SRDO object.

Function must be called in the communication reset section.

SRDOThis object will be initialized.
SRDO_IndexOD index of this SRDO, 0 for the first.
SRDOGuardSRDOGuard object.
ODCANopen Object Dictionary
emEmergency object.
nodeIdCANopen Node ID of this device. If default COB_ID is used, value will be added.
defaultCOB_IDDefault COB ID for this SRDO for plain data (without NodeId).
OD_130x_SRDOCommParPointer to SRDO communication parameter record from Object dictionary (index 0x1301+).
OD_138x_SRDOMapParPointer to SRDO mapping parameter record from Object dictionary (index 0x1381+).
CANdevRxNormalCAN device used for SRDO reception for normal object.
CANdevRxInvertedCAN device used for SRDO reception for inverted object.
CANdevRxIdxNormalIndex of receive buffer in the above CAN device (normal).
CANdevRxIdxInvertedIndex of receive buffer in the above CAN device (inverted).
CANdevTxNormalCAN device used for SRDO transmission for normal object.
CANdevTxInvertedCAN device used for SRDO transmission for inverted object.
CANdevTxIdxNormalIndex of transmit buffer in the above CAN device (normal).
CANdevTxIdxInvertedIndex of transmit buffer in the above CAN device (inverted).
[out]errInfoAdditional information in case of error, may be NULL.

◆ CO_SRDO_initCallbackPre()

void CO_SRDO_initCallbackPre ( CO_SRDO_t * SRDO,
void * object,
void(* pFunctSignalPre )(void *object) )

Initialize SRDO callback function.

Function initializes optional callback function, which should immediately start processing of CO_SRDO_process() function. Callback is called after SRDO message is received from the CAN bus.

SRDOThis object.
objectPointer to object, which will be passed to pFunctSignalPre(). Can be NULL
pFunctSignalPrePointer to the callback function. Not called if NULL.

◆ CO_SRDO_config()

CO_ReturnError_t CO_SRDO_config ( CO_SRDO_t * SRDO,
uint8_t SRDO_Index,
CO_SRDOGuard_t * SRDOGuard,
uint32_t * errInfo )

Configure SRDO object.

Function must be called in on transition to NMT operational. Function is also called from CO_SRDO_init() function.

SRDOThis object will be configured.
SRDO_IndexOD index of this SRDO, 0 for the first.
SRDOGuardSRDOGuard object.
[out]errInfoAdditional information in case of error, may be NULL.

◆ CO_SRDO_requestSend()

CO_ReturnError_t CO_SRDO_requestSend ( CO_SRDO_t * SRDO)

Send SRDO on event.

Sends SRDO before the next refresh timer tiggers. The message itself is send in CO_SRDO_process(). Note that RTOS have to trigger its processing quickly. After the transmission the timer is reset to the full refresh time.

SRDOThis object.
CO_ReturnError_t: CO_ERROR_NO if request is granted

◆ CO_SRDO_process()

CO_SRDO_state_t CO_SRDO_process ( CO_SRDO_t * SRDO,
uint32_t timeDifference_us,
uint32_t * timerNext_us,
bool_t NMTisOperational )

Process transmitting/receiving individual SRDO message.

SRDOThis object.
timeDifference_usTime difference from previous function call in [microseconds].
[out]timerNext_usinfo to OS, may be null.
NMTisOperationalTrue if this node is in NMT_OPERATIONAL state.
CO_SRDO_state_t internal state